Apples for Health and Beauty
Fall is my favorite time of year. I live in the Hudson River Valley in Upstate New York, where apple orchards surround me. The landscape is absolutely stunning.
Apples are one of the best, all-around, natural health and beauty fruits to be found. They contain Malic Acid, which is a natural Alpha Hydroxy Acid, or AHA. Alpha Hydroxy Acids are fruit acids with an ability to help exfoliate the skin and act as mild chemical face peels. They often help your skin to look healthier, younger and firmer.
Malic Acid can:
Even skin tone
Reduce the signs of age spots and freckles
Tighten pores
Reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
Significantly reduce symptoms of rosacea
Help clear up acne
For an easy Apple Facial Mask you can make in your kitchen, mash or put one apple in the food processor with 4 tablespoons of honey. The honey is a natural anti-bacterial, and humectant which draws moisture to the skin. Make a paste, apply to skin, avoiding the eyes. Leave on for 10 minutes and rinse off with warm water.
Malic Acid also has been shown to enhance the rate at which your body can metabolize and create energy. With insufficient malic acid in your system, your body’s energy production would literally grind to a halt and increase the rate of aging. Malic acid has been shown to possesses many health-related benefits such as increasing your body’s energy, immunity, maintaining oral health, reducing the risk of toxic metal poisoning and promoting younger looking skin. So literally, eat an apple a day. I drink Bragg's Raw Apple Cider Vinegar everyday. It's an amazing health tonic. I drink three glasses daily of 1 to 2 teaspoons equally of raw, organic apple cider vinegar and raw honey in a glass of water.
Clairvoyant Beauty products that contain Malic Acid are the: Exfoliating AHA Scrub and the Skin Rejuvenating AHA Cream.
Enjoy the beautiful autumn weather. Get out there and pick some apples!